Digital advertising guidance: cookies, consent & the GDPR

What are the legal requirements relating to the use of cookies and other similar technologies in the UK for the digital advertising industry?

At the end of 2019, in response to the ICO’s 'Update report into ad tech and real-time bidding', we published an action plan. We outlined a range of work that we would undertake to build a shared understanding among companies in our sector of what is required by GDPR and ePrivacy legislation, and how to comply with these requirements in practice. 

This is the first piece of work that delivers on that action plan. We urge all companies engaged in digital advertising to read the guidance and take any necessary action to ensure you are complying with the law. 

This guide explains the rules relating to cookies and other similar technologies for digital advertising, covering:

  • Cookies and consent
  • Consent under the GDPR
  • What this means in practice for media owners, intermediaries and advertisers
  • Links to further guidance and resources

You can download the guide below. 

We will be rolling out further guidance and resources in the coming months. For more information, take a look at the actions we have outlined.

If you have any questions about this work, please email [email protected].

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