Why an omnichannel strategy is a game changer for advertisers

贴在 2023年3月13日星期一 | 弗兰克·斯科菲尔德 ——需求主管,英国 & 北欧人,在Magnite

弗兰克•斯科菲尔德 需求领先,英国 & 北欧人,在Magnite, explains the benefits of omnichannel advertising and how it is set to evolve

Digital advertising has delivered an entirely new ecosystem for advertisers to access their key consumers at scale. 事实上, technological advances now mean brands and their agencies have more insight, 创造的工具和机会比以往任何时候都多. 

When we think about how the average day of a consumer has evolved in the past decade, one of the key changes has been their increased interaction with multiple devices. 今天, a person may start their day listening to a digital radio station, before checking their emails on their phone and then listening to a 播客 on the train to work. They may see a digital billboard before settling down on their laptop at work. 在回家的路上,他们可能会听播客, and then turn on their smart TV to watch their favourite show before bed. 

According to Magnite’s latest research, audience habits are now predominantly omnichannel. 欧盟五国四分之三的观众 and Nordics are watching videos on websites each week as well as using multiple devices at home to watch TV. 

The percentage of people using different devices weekly are:

  • 智能电视:89%
  • 智能手机/平板电脑:85%
  • 笔记本/台式机:84%
  • 联网设备:67%
  • 流媒体设备:60%

Magnite data also reveals how exposure via different digital touchpoints enhance how streamers connect with brands. 75% of ad-supported streamers are more likely to make a purchase from a brand they engaged with across multiple devices such as TV, 移动或桌面, 相比之下,64%的传统电视观众这样认为.

Advertisers understand this important change in behaviour and are adapting their media campaigns to connect with their customers more holistically. Taking an omnichannel approach allows a brand or agency to tap into the daily routine of their demographic, 并创建相关和及时的广告. 

除了, ads served across connected devices are effective in moving consumers down the purchase funnel. 的研究 Showheroes集团 also showed 43% of CTV users searched for a product because of seeing a CTV ad, one third visited an advertiser's website and one in five have bought a product after seeing a CTV ad.

以及改善购买途径, advertisers benefit from operational efficiencies when adopting an omnichannel approach. Particularly as emerging formats such as audio and native evolve, data capabilities and reporting become even more important as advertisers look for a single source of truth. 

The omnichannel approach also provides a cost-effective alternative to single format campaigns which don’t facilitate the same level of flexibility where money can be allocated. It is also a more scalable option as more and more connected devices become available and usage continues to grow.  

而且好处不仅仅是广告商. Strategic investment in technology has vastly improved the user experience for audiences engaging with advertising across multiple screens. Products are now available to  reduce repetitive adverts being shown within the same slots, 并通过竞争性分离来保护品牌.  

Looking to the future, there is potential for omnichannel technology to evolve. As this holistic approach becomes the predominant way brands communicate with their customers, an increase in creative demand will refine and improve what can be achieved. In the future, we could see advertisers using each touchpoint to form a segment of their brand story. 

例如, an omnichannel campaign for a car could combine hearing the description of the new car with the sound of the engine in an audio format moving to a display ad showcasing the outside of the car, followed by an in-gaming ad that allows you to toggle through the dashboard screen. Finally, the campaign could finish with a CTV ad showing the entire car. 

虽然这可能不是今天的现实, omnichannel advertising campaigns already offer a holistic, cohesive and consistent experience for the consumer and advertiser. The technology is now available for brands to take advantage of evolving consumer habits, making this a critical element for advertisers looking to future proof their brand strategy.



需求领先,英国 & 北欧人,在Magnite




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支持连接而不是点击. Capture audiences' imaginations, not just their attention. Boldly move to your own beat instead of letting tech set the pace. 是时候重新发现数码的乐趣了.