6 Types of 透明度: what to consider when investing in media

贴在 2023年3月13日星期一 | Ekaterina莫斯科 - Verve集团EMEA高级区域营销经理

从价格到数据透明度, Ekaterina莫斯科, Verve集团EMEA高级区域营销经理, explores what media buyers need to be considering to make transparency a top priority 

透明度 in general is such a broad term that everyone sees it through their own prism. The term’s ambiguity can be explained by the stakeholders in the supply chain: media buyers, publishers or consumers would prioritise different aspects of transparency. 事实是:没有一个定义是错误的. 正确的做法是全面考虑, enabling open and clear communication on what information is shared among all stakeholders.  

Let’s approach it today from the media buyer's perspective and the visibility they have into the advertising ecosystem. 当谈到媒体买家时,我们会想到以下这些人: 

  • Advertisers and 品牌 who want to publicise their goods or services in an effort to boost sales 
  • 品牌代理机构
  • 需求方平台, DMPs (data management platforms) and ad servers 使用 by advertisers, 品牌, 和机构有效地完成他们的目标 

那么,我们为什么要谈论透明度呢? 对于媒体买家来说,这其中的商业价值是什么? Let’s clarify all the aspects to set a media buyer up for success.  

透明度 helps media buyers make informed decisions about where to allocate their advertising budget and how to optimise their campaigns. 了解库存的来源, 看广告的观众的特点, and the fees and expenses related to the advertising campaign are all part of this. 另外, the amount of control media purchasers have over the targeting, 分布, and ability to gauge the success of their campaigns are the keys to success.  

Here are six types of transparency that media buyers should think about when making any media investment: 

Supply chain transparency: Where will ads be placed and who will see them? Media buyers need to understand and track the various “middlemen” players and vendors involved in the delivery of an ad campaign. This includes understanding the relationship between the platform or publisher providing the advertising inventory, the ad exchange or supply-side platform (SSP) that facilitates the buying and selling of that inventory, 以及在这个过程中涉及的任何其他中介, 例如数据提供商或dsp.   

Price transparency: Access to the cost of advertising inventory across many platforms and channels is made possible through price transparency. 各种广告格式的定价摘要, 目标的选择, 对买家来说,广告投放必须是透明和一致的. Having this in their hands enables them to compare costs across other providers. When the partner of the buyer gives real-time information on inventory availability and pricing - and the buyer monitors the effectiveness of his campaigns-  they may decide where to refocus their advertising expenditures and negotiate better deals with vendors. 

Data transparency: This addresses whether or not advertisers are able to understand how data is collected, 使用, 和共享. The type of data that is 使用 - first-party data (received directly from the media buyer's website or app) or third-party data (collected from other sources) - matters here. Media buyers should have visibility of the data privacy and security policies - as well as the vendors' compliance with any applicable data privacy laws and regulations - of the vendors involved in their campaigns. 

Quality transparency: This ensures that the advertisements delivered are of a high standard and are aligned with the values of the 品牌 they represent. 换句话说, 除了能被真人看到之外, 广告应该与用户保持相关性, in terms of both the content of the ad and the context in which it is being shown. 这里需要注意的关键因素是:可见性, 受众群体的质量, 品牌安全, 欺诈保护和广告相关性. Many buyers implement viewability and fraud monitoring 工具 for this purpose, but what’s equally important is to partner with independent vendors that specialise in transparent measurement and provide an unbiased assessment of the quality of the media or audience.  

技术透明度:买家是否了解技术, 驱动广告定位和投放的算法和流程? This type of transparency can be achieved through open source products or by simply maintaining an open line of communication, 定期审核和认证. 

Only by having all these insights - collected in-house and received from the technology partners - can media buyers build a business case for transparency by demonstrating the benefits it can bring to their clients, 具体地说: 

  • 品牌安全  

  • 增加信任  

  • 提升的性能  

  • 降低成本  

  • 增加ROI 

把透明度放在首位, 通过提供精确的数据来强调这些好处, verifiable data to support your assertions and stay informed about the latest developments and 最佳实践 in the ad tech industry.  







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