Good impressions count - now more than ever

伊丽莎白巷 -研究主管 & 测量,IAB英国

When it comes to digital advertising, not all impressions are equal and premium content environments are delivering more for brands, writes IAB UK’s 研究主管 & 伊丽莎白·莱恩

From an early age we learn the value of making a good impression. In everyday life, it helps to define our choices. It’s why we overdress for job interviews, arrive early for meetings and come bearing a bottle or bunch of flowers for dinner with friends. Even in our new world of video calls where, 让我们面对现实吧, it’s easy to fall into a habit of ‘top half’ dressing and screen-fatigued smiles, 这仍然很重要. Whichever way you cut it, we want to make a good impression. 

The same principle is true of digital advertising - good impressions count. Both where an ad is placed and its creative execution has a measurable impact on how it is perceived, the 注意 it generates and the lasting effect that it has on people. It’s not just about being in a brand safe and suitable environment, although that is of course important. It’s also about positively harnessing the benefits of premium environments to drive better results. In short, not all impressions are equal. 

This has never been more true than now. 预算受到挤压, brands are looking to cut-through in crowded marketplaces and, 在某些情况下, pivot strategies to reflect the changes in our society. 在这种情况下, making advertising budgets work harder is paramount and the argument for investing in premium environments becomes more significant. 

以下是我们所知道的. 根据我们的“注意规则’ research with eye tracking specialists Lumen and 益普索 MORI, being in a premium content environment, such as a quality news brand or magazine site, is the single biggest driver of ad 注意. 事实上, ads in these premium environments generate three times more 注意 than ads that appear on task sites, such as ticket booking sites or online estate agents. We also know from similar research - such as 新闻works’ ‘The Company You Keep’ study - that this is in part because people are highly engaged with the content they are consuming, which translates to the surrounding ads.

除此之外, our research shows that brand recall increases with the amount of 注意 an ad receives, with those viewed for more than two seconds delivering the highest amount of prompted recall. The significance of these findings is backed up by previous Lumen data, proving the role 注意 and brand recall play in driving sales. 

While our study was carried out in 2019, it arguably holds even more significance now, with news brands’ online audiences surging and people’s appetite for up-to-the-minute content reaching new levels during the pandemic. 根据 UKOM数据, news and information sites reached 49 million monthly visitors collectively in April 2020 (the first full month of lockdown)  - adding nearly 800,自1月至今,访客达1,000人次. 新闻 sites are also seeing high amounts of time spent per visitor, with average minutes up per person by nearly an hour across the month. 

It’s clear that digital news content has never held more value for people and it’s savvy advertisers that are tapping into these huge and invested audiences via premium environments. 通过这样做, brands stand to boost the 注意 their ads receive, 产生高质量约定, and  - most importantly - make a lasting impression. 

Premium content build brands chart



研究主管 & 测量,IAB英国



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Rediscover the joy of digital advertising

Champion connections instead of clicks. Capture audiences' imaginations, not just their 注意. Boldly move to your own beat instead of letting tech set the pace. It’s time to rediscover the joy of digital.